Public Libraries - Access Video on Demand vs. Films on Demand

It has come to our attention that when public library users access Films on Demand they are directed to the Access Video on Demand platform. After talking to Infobase, we confirmed that the streaming video content is the same on both platforms for all NC LIVE member libraries. The only difference is the platform interface. Academic library users access the content on the Films on Demand platform, and public library users access the content on the Access Video on Demand platform.

To reduce confusion for public library users, we have created a new resource link for Access Video on Demand. We've added this link to NC LIVE's Browse Resources page. If you would like to include a link to Access Video on Demand on your library's website as well, you may use the following information:

Linking to Access Video on Demand

To add a link to Access Video on Demand on your library website, instead of Films on Demand, please use either of these direct links:

*If you have NC LIVE Hosted Proxy, please also include your proxy prefix in front of the resource links. Contact the help [at] (NC LIVE Help Desk) if you need help with your proxy prefix*

Description for Access Video on Demand

Sample database description to use on your library website: 

  • Find documentaries and educational videos on many subjects. Includes Oscar, Emmy and Peabody award winning content.

Promotional Materials

We will be collecting promotional materials for Access Video on Demand, and making them available on the NC LIVE website. More to come on that soon!