2023-2024 NC LIVE Password now available

The 2023-2024 NC LIVE password is now available. The current NC LIVE password (2022-2023) will expire on October 1, 2023. Both passwords will work until October 1, at which point the 2022-2023 passwords will expire.

Please distribute the new NC LIVE password to your staff and patrons as appropriate. Please contact the NC LIVE Help Desk for your new password.

What is the NC LIVE Password?

Each NC LIVE member library is assigned a library-wide password that changes annually. The NC LIVE password is used as a primary login only for libraries that haven't set up other proxy access authentication. Institutions that use a local library proxy, NC LIVE’s Hosted Proxy, or a barcode sign in can also use the NC LIVE password as a backup login. Access the backup login screen by checking the “Use Alternative Login” box at the bottom of NC LIVE’s library sign-in page.