Service Alerts and News
We recently discovered that usage stats were missing on the NC LIVE website for Historic NC Digital Newspapers Collection, SIRS Issues Researcher and SIRS Discoverer, from January 2020 to June 2020.
These stats have now been updated and are available on our website:
Note: we will continue to use COUNTER 4 reports to pull stats for Historic NC Digital Newspapers Collection since they are not included on COUNTER 5 reports yet.
RBdigital transition to Overdrive
As you may have heard, RBdigital was acquired by Overdrive last month. Overdrive will begin transitioning RBdigital customers to the Overdrive platform in the coming months. As an RBdigital customer NC LIVE will be affected by this change. We are working with Overdrive and RBdigital right now to figure out a transition plan for the NC LIVE RBdigital content and platform.
We will update you with more information when we have it.
411 New Gale and RBdigital Ebooks
We are pleased to announce that NC LIVE has purchased 411 new permanent ebooks for Gale Ebooks (formerly Gale Virtual Reference Library) and RBdigital.
Gale Ebooks
23 permanent reference titles for business, health, humanities, social science, and more, have been added for unlimited use.
Update 6/26/20: Ebook Central Search Resolved
A system issue is affecting the performance of Ebook Central and its search function is down. They are working quickly to fix the issue, and we'll update you as soon as we know more.
You can see also see live status information and sign up for the system to notify you of outages and maintenance here:
Ebook Central's search function is restored as of 9:28PM on 6/26/20.
COVID Forums
NC LIVE is hosting several virtual COVID forums over the summer. Each forum will be focused on a particular topic with panelists experienced in those areas.