Service Alerts and News

Now Available: ProQuest and Summon AI Research Assistant

AI Research Assistant tools are now available for ProQuest databases and Summon. Research Assistant is included by default on the ProQuest platform. The Summon Research Assistant is opt-in and needs to be turned on in your admin portal. Please see below for more details: 

ProQuest Research Assistant is automatically included on the ProQuest platform. 

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Help Desk Chat is Retiring - May 30, 2025

We are writing to inform you that NC LIVE Help Desk Chat will be retired on Friday, May 30, 2025. While we know this feature has been valuable to some of our users, the company that hosts our chat service is ending their support of this service. After reviewing the data we've found that only a small percentage of our Help Desk cases come in through chat, with the majority of cases arriving via email, the NC LIVE website or phone. With this in mind, we have decided not to pursue a replacement chat feature. 

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Service Alert: Scheduled downtime on Friday, March 14, 6-8am

Update: 9:44 am

NC LIVE has completed our scheduled downtime this morning and EZproxy is back up and running. 

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please contact the help [at] (NC LIVE Help Desk).


Planned Outage - NC LIVE EZproxy

NC LIVE has scheduled downtime tomorrow to move our EZproxy service to a new host computer. 

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