Service Alert: Open Library
Access to Open Library has been restored.
The free resource Open Library is currently inaccessible. Users may get a time out error page. We will provide an update when the resource has been restored.
Access to Open Library has been restored.
The free resource Open Library is currently inaccessible. Users may get a time out error page. We will provide an update when the resource has been restored.
NC LIVE member libraries can now feature HomeGrown eBooks in a "Best Bets for Book Clubs" list in OverDrive! The list showcases unlimited, simultaneous use adult fiction that can be used by any number of people at once.
NC LIVE member libraries are now able to share direct links to courses in Transparent Language Online! These links will take patrons to specific lessons within Transparent Language, such as the Medical Spanish Course or Survival Spanish for Librarians. These direct links are for you to share on your library website, in course materials, and in marketing materials.
These links are specific to your institution, so use of Transparent Language through these links will appear in your library’s usage reports.
EBSCO has provided complimentary access to two additional resources for NC LIVE member libraries:
Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Reference Center- A full-text database covering all aspects of business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR), including risk evaluation, emergency preparedness and crisis communications.
EBSCO is providing complimentary access to the following clinical resources: GIDEON, DynaMed, and Dynamic Health. All NC LIVE member libraries have access. EBSCO plans to keep access active as long as there is need. Please reach out to the NC LIVE Help Desk for more information about these resources.