Below are some of the questions we received during the Proposal Q&A session. If you have additional questions about proposals or about the conference in general, please reach out to help [at] (help[at]nclive[dot]org).
If you decide to submit a proposal, please fill out this proposal submission form by Friday, February 23. If you would like to register to attend the conference, please fill out the in-person registration and/or the virtual registration.
Q: I have a topic that I want to present on, but I’m not sure if it fits with the “wellness” theme. How much does my presentation need to be about wellness?
A: The theme is meant as a starting point for inspiration! We define “wellness” very broadly:
- Library programming that supports vulnerable populations
- Library work culture (labor practices, pay equity, approaches to work, etc.)
- Creating and sustaining diverse collections
- Celebrating the ways that libraries impact their broader communities
- Supporting and celebrating neurodiversity
- Tools and strategies to support library staff
- Mentorship and sponsorship among library staff
- Any other topics related to the wellness of patrons and library staff
While we will prioritize presentations that connect with wellness in some way, we hope to still see a wide variety of topics.
Q: What if I have a topic that is very specific to one type of library?
A: That’s ok! We want to have a variety of programming that will interest both academic and public librarians, so it’s ok if one session is geared more toward a particular group.
Q: Will my presentation be recorded?
A: In general, we do record all virtual sessions, and we will likely record in-person sessions. If you would prefer for your session not to be recorded (to encourage audience participation, etc.), that can be arranged.
Q: Is this open to presenters outside of libraries and/or library partners?
A: Yes! Since our conference is free to attend, we hope that it will be an opportunity for you to bring in colleagues with diverse expertise. However, we will prioritize submissions that include NC LIVE member librarians and LIS students.
Q: Do you think some formats are better for the in-person day? For example, are you more open to workshops that are in-person, or can they be virtual?
A: It depends on the presenter and the topic. Workshops, for example, do tend to be more engaging in-person, but we are still open to any kind of presentation for either day. If you are undecided about which format would be best for you, our proposal review committee can give you feedback about tailoring your presentation once your idea is accepted.
Q: Can “institution” be the university we attend if we are a student?
A: Yes! If you are a Library and Information Science (LIS) student, you may choose your university under “Institution” on the application. If you are an LIS student who works in a library, you are also welcome to list the library you work in instead. Either choice is fine.
Q: Has the deadline been extended?
A: Yes! The new deadline to submit is February 23.