Known Issues for the Credo Reference New Interface

The following are known issues for the new interface of Credo Reference. Infobase is working on addressing these issues, and they should be resolved soon: 


Known issues as of 8/22/2023:

  • Proxy access is now working, but deeplinks (books and articles) are redirecting to the homepage. We hope to have a fix for this shortly.
  • OpenAthens access has a pending issue where there is a waypoint of having to select your institution from the login page in order to access. We intend for this to be temporary and are actively working with OpenAthens on a resolution.
  • Shibboleth/SAML access are not working correctly. Please contact support [at] (support[at]credoreference[dot]com) to discuss using alternate forms of access temporarily. 
  • "Search other sites" links on entries are not complete when used with the proxy. We can rewrite them to take you to the homepage of the resource, or we can exclude them from your proxy, while the fix is pending.
  • Mind Map embeds are not redirecting correctly; we intend to fix this.