Gale Literature Resource Center: Open Web Entry

Please see below for the following message from Gale about Open Web Entry for Gale Literature Resource Center: 


Beginning on Friday, June 25, 2021, open web entry will be enhanced on Gale Literature Resource Center

What exactly is Open Web?

Traditionally, to access Gale products, users first need to log in or otherwise be recognized by a subscribing institution or library.  Starting on Friday, when accessing Gale Literature Resource Center through Google Scholar, users can now see the product and its features, perform searches, see search results, and article previews without logging in.


Will this affect our current authentication setup or cause security issues?

The simple answer is, no.  If a user tries to retrieve full text or engage with certain features, they will be prompted to login with the form of authentication that is already set up on the account.  If a user accesses Gale Literature Resource Center, for example, through the traditional account methods, such as a custom URL or search results in their library discovery layer, they will encounter the usual full product experience.


How will this benefit my library?

By allowing the open web discoverability of millions of articles, Gale is helping new users search, find, and preview content from library resources that they may not know have existed.  This means that sessions and retrievals in your usage statistics will be increased once the user authenticates into the product!


Gale is committed to increasing open web discoverability of additional Gale resources in the coming months. 


As always, please follow product updates on the Gale support site ( to stay informed about updates made to your Gale resources.


For more information regarding the new Gale enhancement and open web entry increasing discoverability, please click here.