Mini Courses

Tools for Instruction and Literacy

Tools for Instruction and Literacy

What Is Data Literacy and Why Is It Important?

Learn about what data literacy is and why it’s important for librarians of all types.

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Expanding Your Library's Outreach and Marketing Strategy

Expanding Your Library's Outreach and Marketing Strategy

Canva for Graphic Design & Marketing

Tired of spending lots of time developing social media graphics and marketing materials for your library? Get an overview of how the free version of Canva can help you create easy and attractive graphics. Look at examples, learn to use the various elements, and design a graphic together!

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Essential Skills For New Leaders

Essential Skills For New Leaders

There's an Imposter Among Us: How to "Sus" Out Imposter Syndrome and Practice Radical Self-Compassion

This session shares insights on how to manage imposter syndrome - a commonplace phenomenon of doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud, especially when tasked with a new responsibility or role. Amanda Glenn-Bradley, User Experience Librarian from UNC-Asheville, provides strategies for managing imposter syndrome and practicing compassion for one's self - a helpful tac for any new manager.

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NC LIVE Resources

NC LIVE Resources

Make it Your Business: NC LIVE Resources for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

The Business Librarians of North Carolina (BLINC) section of the North Carolina Library Association, share resources that can assist small businesses and entrepreneurs with market analysis, competition, business research, and more. This webinar is for library professionals from all library environments who would like more background exploring business databases and business information.

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Data and Visualization in Libraries

Data and Visualization in Libraries

Getting Started with Tableau for Data Visualization

This workshop provides a hands-on introduction to Tableau, a free tool for creating data visualizations. Its drag-and-drop interface provides tools to build a variety of visualizations with no coding required, and visualizations can be embedded in websites by copying and pasting embed code. In this workshop, participants create an interactive dashboard together along with static charts. No prior experience is required but it is highly recommended that attendees download and install Tableau prior to the workshop:


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