Credo Reference- New Interface

Monday, August 21st, Credo Reference rolled out a new platform! 


Key Highlights:

  • The platform URL will NOT change. The URL will continue to be , and existing paths will redirect to the new format where applicable. If all goes as planned, no updates on the user side will be necessary - no catalog updates, no proxy updates, no LibGuides updates. Phew!

  • The Admin URL will change. The new Credo Admin URL will be, which can be accessed with your existing Admin credentials. The legacy Admin pages will remain available for a period of time, we hope at least until the end of the year, to allow users to run their historical stats. There should be banners in the legacy Admin platform that will point you to the new platform if you don't have the direct URL handy.

  • We’ve done a light redesign of the user interface, with a cleaner homepage and dedicated Mind Map and Advanced Search pages. Learn more here (PDF).

  • The existing Credo LTI and API integrations will be retired. As soon as we have updated info, we’ll post it on our Help Center, or, please email support [at] (support[at]credoreference[dot]com) to be notified directly.

  • If you use EBSCO Discovery Service, you may need to make an update to your information in that system to continue using your Credo widget. We are working with EBSCO to minimize disruption to this integration.

  • The automated usage reporting method “SUSHI harvesting” will require updated credentials. If you are running reports with SUSHI, email support [at] (support[at]credoreference[dot]com) for more information.

  • All current authentication methods and credentials will be supported.

  • Your customization (logo, links, connections to other resources) will be carried over


Where can I find more information? 

  • Rolling updates, as well as a detailed PDF and video comparison of old and new platform features, can be found on our Help Center:


Upcoming Webinar Registration Information:

September 6th - Introducing the New Credo Reference -