324 New HomeGrown Titles Available - Discovery & MARC information

This year, NC LIVE purchased 322 ebooks and 2 audiobooks with HomeGrown pledge donations. These titles are now available in Biblioboard, and will be available in OverDrive in 2024. Thank you to all libraries who contributed! 

MARC records and discovery information is available for 247 titles (for all publishers except for Redhawk Publishing). MARC records and discovery information for the 77 Redhawk Publishing will be coming soon. 

Title List 

A title list for NC LIVE's 2023 purchases is available here   

A title list for the complete collection of NC LIVE HomeGrown ebooks and audiobooks is available on our website: https://www.nclive.org/for-librarians/collections/title-lists. We now have over 5,000 ebooks in the collection. 

MARC Records
MARC records for the new 245 ebooks and 2 audiobooks are available on NC LIVE's website

Discovery Information

Summon: The 247 new titles have been added to "NC LIVE HomeGrown Ebooks" Collection in Summon. Database code: BXBCN

WMS: The 247 new titles have been added to WMS collection: NC LIVE HomeGrown Ebooks, customer.54122.6. Please contact help [at] nclive.org (help[at]nclive[dot]org) if you need access to this collection. 

EDS: The 247 new titles have been added to the NC LIVE Catalog in EDS. 

More coming soon! 

77 Redhawk Publishing ebooks are now available in BiblioBoard, and MARC records and Discovery updates for these ebooks will be coming soon. We will send out another email when they are available.