Public Library hoopla- ILS Integration

In the coming weeks, hoopla will begin reaching out to NC LIVE public libraries to see if they would like to integrate their ILS with the hoopla login process. This is so users will be able to select their library from the list on the hoopla login page, to create an account and login using their library barcode.  

Public Libraries- hoopla ILS Integration Form

For NC LIVE public libraries that do not have an existing hoopla account (hoopla instant), hoopla will be reaching out to you, and asking to fill out a "hoopla ILS integration" form. This is so they can validate your patrons and ensure only the patrons you want to have access, will have access to your library's hoopla account. They will be sending those documents out through DocuSign. You will need to fill in the appropriate ILS server information for your library and any other restrictions you would like in place (i.e. expired cards, fines over a certain amount, etc.) and sign off.  Once hoopla receives the form and completes the authentication setup, hoopla will then enable your library so it shows up in the drop down. 

NC Cardinal Libraries

Midwest Tapes has already worked with NC Cardinal staff on getting the server information and home codes for libraries within NC Cardinal. hoopla will be pre-populating this information on the ILS form for NC Cardinal libraries. All you need to do is fill in any other restrictions you would like in place (i.e. expired cards, fines over a certain amount, etc.) and sign off. 

NC Cardinal provided the following details to Hoopla and they should be prepopulated on the form that Hoopla sends:

  • Library Name and State
  • Name of Consortium
  • Link to who they share an ILS with (NC Cardinal)
  • Name and Email
  • ILS Provider
  • ILS Product
  • Protocol
  • External Server Address
  • Port
  • Server Username
  • Password
  • Location Code

According to Hoopla, you will just need to answer the question about requiring a PIN on the first page, fill in any other restrictions you would like on pages 3-4, provide test cards for any of the restrictions they would like, fill in a registration message and library link on page 5, and sign off on page 6.

Do I need to use DocuSign? 

No, please email hoopla to request a PDF version. 

Do I need to fill out the form? What if I already use NC LIVE Hosted Proxy?

The form allows Midwest Tapes to connect your ILS to hoopla, so your patrons can use their barcode to login. However, you don't have to connect your ILS to hoopla. The other alternative is to have patrons use an email address and password to login with hoopla. It will not be connected to Hosted Proxy login, however. Hoopla does not support EZproxy, so you are not going to be able to use Hosted Proxy with hoopla. You can add a custom message to the login screen to let patrons know how they should create an account. if you decide not to connect your ILS.

Is there a fee associated with hoopla?

There is no fee for NC LIVE libraries to use NC LIVE's collection on hoopla. This is the collection that libraries are getting access to with the hoopla ILS integration form.  If a public library does not already have a hoopla account to purchase/license hoopla content, such as instant titles, their patrons will only be able to access NC LIVE's content on hoopla. They will not see any other hoopla content. NC LIVE's hoopla content was permanently purchased by NC LIVE from RBdigital, and was originally located on the RBdigital platform. If a library wants their patrons to see other content on hoopla besides NC LIVE's, then they should contact hoopla about getting access to that content and there will be a fee in that case. 

What content is included with NC LIVE's hoopla collection? 

NC LIVE's hoopla content was originally purchased from RBdigital and now lives on the hoopla platform. It consists of around 1500 audiobooks and 500 ebooks. All titles are permanently purchased, with 1-user access per copy. We have multiple copies of some titles. Not all of our RBdigital content has migrated to hoopla yet. We still have some outstanding titles that are waiting on publisher permissions before migrating to hoopla. You can access a title list of all of NC LIVE's hoopla titles on this page: 

You can read about NC LIVE's original migration from RBdigital to hoopla in October 2020 here: 

You can read about the NC LIVE's migration to hoopla's consortial program in July 2022 here: