NC LIVE Usage Statistics Updates

We made a few updates this month to our usage statistics process to provide more accurate usage. Updates are listed below.  For future reference, all vendor reports and vendor metrics used in NC LIVE usage reports are available on NC LIVE's website here: 

Changes made:

  • Searches for ProQuest databases using the COUNTER 5 DRD1 report will now be calculated using Searches_Federated + Searches_Regular. We used to report on just Searches_Regular. We've rerun the NC LIVE reports from January 2020 to present to include this new search data. 
  • We will start calculating usage for ProQuest databases in a parent-child databases as: 
    • Parent databases- Searches_Federated + Searches_Regular = NC LIVE Searches 
    • Child databases- Total Item Requests = NC LIVE Full-Text Views
    • Child databases- Total Item Investigations = NC LIVE Abs+Full-Text Views 
  • Usage from children databases in ProQuest parent-child relationships will be reported under the parent name in our reports.
  •  In the past, we were mistakenly only collecting search stats for parent databases, so there were several ProQuest databases with zero full-text views usage in our previous reports. We have rerun the stats from January 2020 to present, and the following databases will now have usage for Full-Text Views and Abs+Full-Text Views in NC LIVE usage reports. 
    • ABI/INFORM Collection
    • Accounting Tax & Banking Collection
    • Agricultural & Environmental Science Collection
    • Asian & European Business Collection
    • Business Market Research Collection
    • Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
    • Career & Technical Education Database
    • India Database
    • International Newsstream
    • U.S. Newsstream 
  • Because we reran ProQuest stats and started reporting full-text views for the parent-children databases listed above, the full-text views have increased for ProQuest resources for all libraries from January 2020 to present in NC LIVE's reports.  
  • We have started collecting usage stats for The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. Usage has been collected from January 2020 to present. 
  • We restarted collecting stats for the Statistical Abstract of the US. Usage has been collected from January 2022 to present. 

We are sorry for any inconvenience the misreporting of ProQuest stats has caused. Please contact the NC LIVE Help Desk with any questions.