Service Alerts and News

The New NC LIVE Website is Here!

The Website Advisory Committee and NC LIVE staff are pleased to announce the launch of the new NC LIVE Website! The new design provides a refreshed, modern look, increased accessibility, and easier navigation for patrons and library staff.

If you have feedback on the new website, please submit it using this form.

The new website features all of the popular features of our current website, plus:

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Usage Reports on the new NC LIVE website

Update 1/5/2022: 

Usage reports are now available on the NC LIVE website. Data can be organized alphabetically by resource. We are still working on building the functionality to organize reports by vendor.  Thank you for your patience and please report any issues to the NC LIVE Help Desk. 


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SERVICE ALERT: Infobase databases down

Update 12/8/2021- This issue has been resolved. The outage was related to the AWS outage. 

Infobase databases (Films on Demand, Ferguson's Career Guidance Center, Just for Kids Streaming Video) are down.

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