Service Alerts and News

Credo Title Removals

On January 9, 2019 Credo will be removing 15 titles from Academic Core and 31 titles from Complete Core. Brief information is available below, though Credo will be reaching out to Academic Core subscribers only with complete details, options for acquiring deleted titles, and MARC delete files - look for this email in the coming week.

Academic Core (most Community College, UNC, & NCICUs) - 15 outdated and very low-use titles will be removed

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Open Education North Carolina Collection

Open Education North Carolina Collection, a curated collection of free textbooks that are part of NC LIVE's Open Education North Carolina (OENC) initiative is now available on the NC LIVE Browse All list. OENC is an initiative that aims to reduce the cost of higher education for North Carolina students by providing free, open textbooks for 30 of the most frequently-taught courses across North Carolina’s 2 and 4-year colleges and universities.

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Infobase MARC Records Outage

This issue has been resolved. Please let us know at help [at] (help[at]nclive[dot]org) if you have any continuing issues with the Infobase admin portal.

Infobase's MARC records functions in their admin portals are currently down. Infobase is aware of the issue and is working on a fix.

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Performance issues- Ferguson's Career Guidance Center

Update 10/31/18: This issue has been resolved.

Ferguson's Career Guidance Center is currently experiencing performance issues. The search function is not working. Ferguson's is aware of the issues and working to resolve them as soon as possible. 

Please contact the NC LIVE Help Desk with any questions. 

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