Service Alerts and News

August Usage Statistics Updates

From July 2019 onward, RBdigital's audiobook and ebook usage is reported separately.

Due to an error in how Films on Demand was calculating usage, many libraries using Access Video were reported as having zero or extremely low usage for Films on Demand. This has been addressed and usage information has been updated from January 2019 onward.

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ReferenceUSA Error Message

9/13/19 update: This issue has been resolved. 

Users will see an error message when clicking on search results in ReferenceUSA: "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request. Please contact your sales representative." 

We are in touch with the vendor and working on a resolution. We will update you when we have more information. 

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Updates to Gale Virtual Reference Library

Name Change:
Gale Virtual Reference Library is updating its name to Gale eBooks on Friday, September 13th.

No URL changes are required for these updates.

Platform Updates:
Updates will also include a new product platform that will be streamlined across Gale products. The updates will match what's already in place for the Gale OneFile and Gale In Context resources.

Visit for more information.

Gale eBooks Webinar

September 20, 1:00 - 1:30 pm

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SERVICE ALERT: Cypress Resume

8/26/19- This issue has been resolved. 

Cypress Resume is currently giving a "Connection is not Private" error message when accessing the resource in the library or on campus. Proxy access is working normally.

We are in touch with the vendor and will send out an email when the problem is resolved.

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