Service Alerts and News

Proxy Stanza Update- Ferguson's Career Guidance Center

Ferguson's Career Guidance Center has updated their proxy stanza. The URL line requires your library's Films on Demand ID. Please contact the NC LIVE Help Desk if you don't know what that is.
Action is recommended for libraries with a local proxy. No action is needed for libraries with NC LIVE Hosted Proxy, library barcode, or password authentication. 
Title Ferguson's Career Guidance Center

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NC LIVE-Summon Webinars for January & February 2020

NC LIVE and Ex Libris have planned the following webinars for NC LIVE libraries in January and February.  
Please use the link below to register, and we will send you a calendar invite with the webinar information. All webinars will be recorded. If you would like a recording, please let us know on the registration form.  Questions? Please send submit them ahead of time.

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