Service Alerts and News

COVID Forums

NC LIVE is hosting several virtual COVID forums over the summer. Each forum will be focused on a particular topic with panelists experienced in those areas.


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Service Alert: EBSCO Access Down

6/24/2020: Update: this issue has been resolved. 

Remote access to EBSCO resources (NoveList Plus, Biography Reference Center, CINAHL Plus, Auto Repair Source, MasterFile Premier) appears down for multiple libraries. Users may get an error message "Connection refused by," or get stuck on the NC LIVE Splash Page, which never resolves. 
We are in contact with EBSCO about this issue, and will let you know when we have more information. 

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Ebook Central Downtime- June 27, 12-3pm

Scheduled Downtime Notification-

To ensure their ebook platforms remain updated and secure, ProQuest will be performing maintenance on Ebook Central and LibCentral.

This maintenance will take place Saturday, June 27th 12pm- 3pm ET.

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RBdigital Outage

June 17th update - the issue is resolved.
RBdigital appears to be down for some libraries. Users attempting to access RBdigital receive an error message and are unable to access the resource. 
We are in touch with the vendor and we will let you know when we have updates. 

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