Service Alerts and News

2023-2024 NC LIVE Password now available

The 2023-2024 NC LIVE password is now available. The current NC LIVE password (2022-2023) will expire on October 1, 2023. Both passwords will work until October 1, at which point the 2022-2023 passwords will expire.

Please distribute the new NC LIVE password to your staff and patrons as appropriate. Please contact the NC LIVE Help Desk for your new password.

What is the NC LIVE Password?

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New CQ Researcher Platform

CQ Researcher is launching a new platform on July 18th.  The stanza will change and the vendor URL will change, however the NC LIVE URL will stay the same: 

ACTION REQUIRED- Local Proxy Libraries

If your library uses your own proxy service, please update your stanza to the new Sage stanza: 

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