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Three blue and green stripes on the left side of a purple background. White text reads, "ProQuest Central."

Try Our New Tutorials

Four new resource tutorials are now available! These 15-minute, self-paced tutorials are perfect for busy library staff who want to learn more about NC LIVE resources.

A painting of a Native American person to the left of text that reads, "Indigenous Peoples of North America."

Graphics for Indigenous Peoples Resource

Promote our newest resource, Gale's Indigenous Peoples of North America digital collection, with these social media graphics!

Blue, white, and orange blocks creating stair steps around the top and bottom borders of a dark blue background. In the center is text reading, "Succession planning for libraries."

Succession Planning for Libraries

This February 18 webinar will explore the role of succession planning as a way to proactively prepare for staffing changes, including identifying critical positions, assessing vacancy risk, determining necessary skills and knowledge, and fostering growth in potential successors.